
How can we help you?


Editing Profile Information
To edit your profile information, navigate to edit profile page which is located in the bottom center of Home Page. From there, you can update your profile picture, bio, status, and other details as needed. You can also control your online status or your online status visibility from there.
Resetting Password
If you forget your password or need to reset it for any reason, you can do so by clicking on the *Forgot Password* link on the login screen. Follow the prompts to reset your password securely.
Changing Password
To change your password, go to the Settings tab and select the *Change Password* option. Follow the prompts to securely update your password and ensure the security of your account.
Add or Remove Friends
To add friends, visit their profile and click on the add friend button located in the top right corner of the profile screen. Once they accept your request, you'll be connected as friends. Similarly, you can remove the added friend by tapping the remove friend button on their profile.
Block or Unblock Users
To block or unblock a user, navigate to their profile and select the 'Block' or 'Unblock' option, respectively. Blocking restricts their interactions with you, while unblocking restores communication. Manage your connections with ease and ensure a comfortable chat experience.
Joining Chatrooms
You can join chatrooms by navigating to the Chatrooms tab. Browse through the available chatrooms or use the search box to find specific ones. Click on a chatroom to join and start chatting with other members.
Creating Chatrooms
To create a chatroom, go to the Chatrooms tab and click on the create chatroom button on the bottom right corner. Enter a name and description for your chatroom, select the privacy settings, and click 'Create' to create your chatroom.
Control Who Can Message You
You can adjust your privacy settings to control who can message you. Go to the *Private Lock* section in the Settings menu to enable/disable private messages from users not in your contact list.
Managing Notifications
You can manage your notification settings by going to the Settings tab. From there, you can disable all kinds of notifications you receive, such as message alerts, friend requests, and more.
Purchasing Howdies Coins
Coins can be purchased from the Coin Store. Simply navigate to the Settings tab and select the *Buy* button. Choose your desired coin package and follow the instructions to complete the purchase. Additionally, you have the option to buy coins from verified *Super Dealers*, *Dealers* or *Sellers*
Reporting Inappropriate Content
If you come across any inappropriate content or behavior, you can report it to our moderation team. You can visit the user's profile and select the *Report User* option from the menu. For reporting chatrooms, you can check the room participants and use the *Report Chatroom* button located in the top right corner of the screen. Additionally, you can use the *Contact Us* option within the app to notify us, and we will take appropriate action.
Delete My Account
To delete your account, go to settings. Under account settings, tap 'Delete Account' and proceed with the on-screen instructions. For further informations, please contact our support team at support@howdies.app from your registered email address. Our team will assist you with the account deletion process.

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Contact Us
You can alos contact our support team at support@howdies.app We will respond as soon as we can.